Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rutgers Against the War puts on Drop Beats Not Bombs


It means dissent through words, not violence; it means creating not destroying; it means expression not repression.

Come out to a night of politically and socially conscious spoken word and poetry from Saul Williams, Iraq war veterans, and student orgs.

Featuring:SAUL WILLIAMS--world renown poet and musician--

Readings from Warrior Writers of the Combat Paper Project-- Writers of the Combat Paper Project with members of Iraq Veterans Against the War share their writings

JustUs League--Your friendly neighborhood poets Ion, Ian Khadan, Assasin, and Nate Kostar--

with Rutgers Against the War,Verbal Mayhem, Native Tongue, Radigals, CASAA, Tent State University, and more to come..

Location: Hickman 101 on Douglass Campus at Rutgers University Street: 89 George St City/Town: New Brunswick, NJ at 7:45 PM
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